1. Prepare a build machine (Part 2 of Build and Software User Guide) http://downloadmirror.intel.com/23962/eng/Quark_BSP_BuildandSWUserGuide_329687_007.pdf Note: Be sure to install IASL 5.0A or higher to build EDKII 2. Download Galileo Runtime 1.0.4 and unarchive (Part 3 of the User Guide) https://github.com/01org/Galileo-Runtime/archive/1.0.4.tar.gz tar -xf Galileo-Runtime-1.0.4.tar.gz cd Galileo-Runtime-1.0.4 3. Unarchive the patches tar -xf patches_v1.0.4.tar.gz 4. Build Linux kernel (Part 6 of the User Guide) 4.1. Unarchive meta-clanton package tar -xf meta-clanton_v1.0.1.tar.gz 4.2. Patch the meta-clanton package (Part 6.1 of the User Guide) ./patches_v1.0.4/patch.meta-clanton.sh 4.2. Build a small Linux for SPI Flash cd meta-clanton_v1.0.1 source poky/oe-init-build-env yocto_build bitbake image-spi-galileo 5. Build EDKII (Part 4 of the User Guide) 5.1. Unarchive Quark_EDKII package (Part 4.2 of the User Guide) tar -xf Quark_EDKII_v1.0.2.tar.gz 5.2. Patch the Quark_EDKII package ./patches_v1.0.4/patch.Quark_EDKII.sh 5.3. Prepare the build environment (Part 4.2.1 of the User Guide) cd Quark_EDKII_v1.0.2 ./svn_setup.py svn update 5.4. Build EDKII (Part 4.4 of the User Guide) export GCCVERSION=$(gcc -dumpversion | cut -c 3) ./quarkbuild.sh -r32 GCC4${GCCVERSION} QuarkPlatform 5.5. Create a symlink for SPI Flash Tools export GCCVERSION=$(gcc -dumpversion | cut -c 3) ln -s RELEASE_GCC4${GCCVERSION} Build/QuarkPlatform/RELEASE_GCC 6. Create a flash Image (SPI) (Part 8 of the User Guide) 6.1. Unarchive sysimage package tar -xf sysimage_v1.0.1.tar.gz 6.2. Patch the sysimage package ./patches_v1.0.4/patch.sysimage.sh 6.3. Build SPI tar -xf spi-flash-tools_v1.0.1.tar.gz ./sysimage_v1.0.1/create_symlinks.sh cd sysimage/sysimage.CP-8M-release ../../spi-flash-tools/Makefile 6.4. Congratulations! Flash-missingPDAT.cap is the firmware that you can flash onto Galileo.