Vanilla JS demo app

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🚀 blazing fast, 🗜 tiny (bundle: 40 kb) simple imaginary app.

Apart from idb-keyval (promise based keyval store for data persistency, < 600 bytes) and express (web framework + API), this app has no dependencies.

At the core it works with an implementation of the Observer Pattern, more specifically the Publish / Subscribe one: this simple dispatcher is used to broadcast messages to multiple subscribers.

UI events and data/model events are mixed. Also, without a proper UI framework, playing around with the DOM gives this app a certain imperative flavour. Unlikely a good choice in a real world app. React/Vue apps would be best.

There is an express server to serve a simple api.

Demo online

View demo on Heroku

Getting started

Install and launch tests:

yarn && yarn test

Launch dev server on port 8080:

yarn start

yarn build builds for production

yarn size-limit check if the bundle is under 50k


No dependencies but the tooling part is fairly similar to a real world FE app:

  • webpack + babel
  • sass + postcss (autoprefixer)
  • jest (test + coverage)
  • lint-staged (eslint + prettier on pre-commit)
  • w3c-validate
  • integration with travis ci, codecov and heroku.


w3c tests are skipped at the moment. There is a connection to a w3c service that sometimes goes off.




PRs not accepted.


Do not use. This repo is going to disappear soon.