
Unified repository for Census extracts, transforms, and imputations

Primary LanguageR

Census variables

This repository will serve as a unified source for all code related to Census data extraction, transformation, interpolation, and imputation. The this project has three main goals:

  1. To bridge together and consolidate the functionalities of three distinct projects:

  2. To base all retrieved and generated data directly on the Census API and file server and therefore be free of sharing restrictions; and

  3. To abstract away the complicated components of each process and provide straightforward and simple interfaces that future users / maintainers can easily modify and update.

Stage 1: Retrieving and transforming Census data

The initial step of extracting specific Census variables and either applying labels to them or transforming them in some way (e.g. by combining them with other variables) is performed by stage1_extract_census.R. Most of the functionality from this script is located in util.R, which abstracts away the fetching process. Specifically, this script makes use of two excellent Census data retrieval libraries:

totalcensus uses up much more space than tidycensus, which only retrieves needed variables, but access to block groups in the 2009-2012 ACS 5-year estimate surveys is not currently available from the Census API; this necessitates the use of totalcensus to download the raw data directly.

Variable labels and transforms are expressed via lists or vectors of formulas operating directly on Census table names (e.g. pct_female ~ P012026 / P001001). As these can be somewhat abstract and hard to parse, an explain(...) function is provided to substitute variable definitions directly into the formulas:

> explain(2010, "sf1", pct_female ~ P012026 / P001001, delimiter = " -> ")
[1] "pct_female ~ [Sex by Age -> Total -> Female]/[Total Population -> Total]"

To facilitate fast iteration and re-exporting, all referenced tables are locally cached for future use. totalcensus includes its own caching system; for tidycensus, the cache file hierarchy is structured as follows:

└─ tidycensus/
   └─ <survey>/
      ├─ <year>/
      │  └─ <geography>/
      │     ├─ GEOID.csv.gz
      │     └─ <table>.csv.gz
      └─ variables.csv.gz


  • <survey> is the abbreviation of the survey, e.g. sf1, sf3, acs5, pl, etc.;

  • <year> is the year that the survey was administered;

  • <geography> is the geographic level, e.g. block, block group, tract, etc.;

  • GEOID.csv.gz is a file containing all GEOIDs for the given geographic level;

  • <table>.csv.gz is a file containing the value of the given table for all geographies in the given level, e.g. P001001.csv.gz, B01001_001, etc.; and

  • variables.csv.gz is a list of all available variables in a given year for a given survey along with variable and topic descriptions.

External data sources

A few files have been included in the external/ directory that were compiled from other sources. Those sources are as follows:

Name Source
external/fips.csv National Bureau of Standards. (1987). Federal Information Processing Standards Publication: Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (NIST FIPS 5-2; p. NIST FIPS 5-2). National Bureau of Standards. https://doi.org/10.6028/NBS.FIPS.5-2