
Repository for my upcoming course & workshop

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learn Browser Testing

End to end testing and browser automation.

Quick start

Please use Node v14.4.0 or above.

npm install

Then, cd into any directory and run:

npm start

Older Node.js

If using an older Node.js, please refer to the 1-testing-old-node folder instead. I've manually gone through and converted ES Imports into requires() and avoided any top-level await.

Windows users

If npm start works for you (try one of the cypress, or just examples), then continue with that - you don't need to change anything. Otherwise, run this to fix the error:

npm install -g yarn

Now, instead of running npm start, run:

yarn start

Node modules

The dependencies (node_modules) for this project can come to many hundreds of megabytes. Rather than you having to run npm install each time you cd into a new folder (and download gigabytes of node_modules scattered across the various folders in this repo), you just need to do it once at the root level.