
A complete end-to-end MLOps pipeline used to build, deploy, monitor, improve, and scale a YOLOv7-based aerial object detection model

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


A. Preparing VisDrone dataset for fine-tuning YOLOv7 Object Detection model

Step-1: Setup an EC2 box for Training
  • Instantiate a p3.2xlarge EC2 box (for data-parallel training get p3.8xlarge box) with the following AMI: Deep Learning AMI GPU PyTorch 1.12.1 (Amazon Linux 2) 20221005
  • Open ports 22, 80, 443, 8000-8002 from anywhere
  • AWS configure
  • source activate pytorch
  • configure git if needed
  • initialize wandb
Step-2: Convert VisDrone data to YOLO format:

Step-2.1: Convert VisDrone DET data

  • git clone https://github.com/schwenkd/aerial-detection-mlops.git
  • cd aerial-detection-mlops
  • pip3 install -r yolov7/requirements.txt
  • mkdir VisDrone
  • cd VisDrone
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-train.zip VisDrone2019-DET-train.zip
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-val.zip VisDrone2019-DET-val.zip
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev.zip VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev.zip
  • unzip -d . VisDrone2019-DET-val.zip
  • unzip -d . VisDrone2019-DET-train.zip
  • unzip -d . VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev.zip
  • mkdir VisDrone2019-DET-val
  • mv -r annotations images VisDrone2019-DET-val
  • cd /home/ec2-user/aerial-detection-mlops
  • mkdir -r VisDrone/VisDrone2019-VID-test-dev
  • python3 ./src/yolo_data_utils/convert_visdrone_DET_data_to_yolov7.py --output_image_size "(960, 544)"
  • ? is this supposed to be here? aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/yolov7-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7.zip VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7.zip
  • You can cleanup the VisDrone directory by deleting all the zip files containing the raw data.

Step-2.2: Convert VisDrone VID data

  • cd VisDrone
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/Video/VisDrone2019-VID-train.zip VisDrone2019-VID-train.zip
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/Video/VisDrone2019-VID-test-dev.zip VisDrone2019-VID-test-dev.zip
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/Video/VisDrone2019-VID-val.zip VisDrone2019-VID-val.zip
  • unzip -d . VisDrone2019-VID-train.zip
  • unzip -d . VisDrone2019-VID-test-dev.zip
  • unzip -d . VisDrone2019-VID-val.zip
  • mkdir -r VisDrone2019-VID-val/annotations
  • mkdir -r VisDrone2019-VID-val/sequences
  • cd ..
  • python3 ./src/yolo_data_utils/convert_visdrone_VID_data_to_yolov7.py --output_image_size "(960, 544)"
  • ? is this supposed to be here? aws s3 cp VisDrone2019-VID-YOLOv7.zip s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/yolov7-data/Video/VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7.zip
  • You can cleanup the VisDrone directory by deleting all the zip files containing the raw data.
Step-3: Training YOLOv7
  • cd aerial-detection-mlops
  • git clone https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5.git
  • pip3 install -r yolov5/requirements.txt
  • cd VisDrone
  • ? is this supposed to be here? aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/yolov7-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7.zip VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7.zip
  • ? is this supposed to be here? unzip -d . VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7.zip
  • ? is this supposed to be here? aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/yolov7-data/Video/VisDrone2019-VID-YOLOv7.zip VisDrone2019-VID-YOLOv7.zip
  • ? is this supposed to be here? unzip -d . VisDrone2019-VID-YOLOv7.zip
  • ? is this supposed to be here? cd ..
  • use vim on ./src/train/train_yolo7.sh, and make sure you are running the right line. Are you on one GPU? Then don't run the distributed one.
    • in case you messed up above, you might need to remove the cached data, ala
	rm ./aerial-detection-mlops/VisDrone/VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7/train/labels.cache  
	rm ./aerial-detection-mlops/VisDrone/VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7/val/labels.cache
  • bash ./src/train/train_yolov7.sh
  • Save the best model to s3: aws s3 sync ./exp11 s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/model/Visdrone/Yolov7//<run_name>
Step-4: Inferencing
  • cd yolov7
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/model/Visdrone/Yolov7/20221026/exp11/weights/best.pt ae-yolov7-best.pt
  • python3 detect.py --weights ae-yolov7-best.pt --conf 0.4 --img-size 640 --source ../9999938_00000_d_0000208.jpg
  • python3 detect.py --weights ae-yolov7-best.pt --conf 0.25 --img-size 640 --source yourvideo.mp4

load the file to s3

  • aws s3 cp runs/detect/exp2/9999938_00000_d_0000208.jpg s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/inferencing/test.jpg
Step-4.1: Create YOLOv7 object-detection mp4 Video from VisDrone-VID-Sequence files
  • go to aerial-detection-mlops directoru
  • git pull https://github.com/schwenkd/aerial-detection-mlops.git
  • create directories: "inferencing/video/input/" and "inferencing/video/output/"
  • go to "aerial-detection-mlops/inferencing/video/input/" folder
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/Video/VisDrone2019-VID-test-challenge.zip VisDrone2019-VID-test-challenge.zip
  • unzip -d . VisDrone2019-VID-test-challenge.zip
  • go back to aerial-detection-mlops/yolov7 directory
  • python3 ../src/yolo_data_utils/convert_image_sequences_to_video.py --image_sequence_folder ../inferencing/video/input/VisDrone2019-VID-test-challenge/sequences --output_mp4_video_folder ../inferencing/video/output --output_image_size "(960,544)" --fps 10
  • go to "aerial-detection-mlops/inferencing/video/output/" and execute the following command
  • aws s3 cp uav0000006_06900_v.mp4 s3://deepak-mlops4-dev/capstone/deleteit/uav0000006_06900_v.mp4
Step-5: Integrating DVC
  • yum install pip
  • pip3 install dvc
  • dvc init
  • dvc remote add yolov7_det_data -d s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/yolov7-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-YOLOv7.zip
  • dvc remote add raw_data_det_train s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-train.zip
  • dvc remote add raw_data_det_val s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-val.zip
  • dvc remote add raw_data_det_test-dev s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-test-dev.zip
  • dvc remote add raw_data_det_test-challenge s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/data/visdrone/raw-data/DET/VisDrone2019-DET-test-challenge.zip
  • dvc add .
  • git commit -m "dvc init"
Step-6: Lambda Function
  • created Lambda function aerial-detection-mlops-lambda
  • IAM role used is aerial-detection-mlops-lambda-role
  • the function is triggered whenever we drop a file in s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/inferencing/photos/input folder
  • this function will call a detection-service that will inturn call the triton server

B. Running the Aerial-Object Detection Application

Convert PyTorch Model to TensorRT Format

install onnx-simplifier not listed in general yolov7 requirements.txt

  • pip3 install onnx-simplifier

Pytorch Yolov7 -> ONNX with grid, EfficientNMS plugin and dynamic batch size

  • python export.py --weights ./ae-yolov7-best.pt --grid --end2end --dynamic-batch --simplify --topk-all 100 --iou-thres 0.65 --conf-thres 0.35 --img-size 960 960

ONNX -> TensorRT with trtexec and docker ... for CUDA version 11.6 you need nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorrt:22.02-py3

  • docker run -it --rm --gpus=all nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorrt:22.02-py3

Copy onnx -> container:

  • docker cp ae-yolov7-best.onnx :/workspace/

Export with FP16 precision, min batch 1, opt batch 8 and max batch 8

  • ./tensorrt/bin/trtexec --onnx=ae-yolov7-best.onnx --minShapes=images:1x3x960x960 --optShapes=images:8x3x960x960 --maxShapes=images:8x3x960x960 --fp16 --workspace=4096 --saveEngine=ae-yolov7-best-fp16-1x8x8.engine --timingCacheFile=timing.cache

Test engine

  • ./tensorrt/bin/trtexec --loadEngine=ae-yolov7-best-fp16-1x8x8.engine

Copy engine -> host:

  • docker cp :/workspace/ae-yolov7-best-fp16-1x8x8.engine .

copy everthing to s3

  • aws s3 cp ae-yolov7-best.pt s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/model/Visdrone/Yolov7/best/ae-yolov7-best.pt
  • aws s3 cp ae-yolov7-best.onnx s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/model/Visdrone/Yolov7/best/ae-yolov7-best.onnx
  • aws s3 cp ae-yolov7-best-fp16-1x8x8.engine s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/model/Visdrone/Yolov7/best/ae-yolov7-best-fp16-1x8x8.engine
Build and Configure Triton Model Repository

Create folder structure

  • mkdir -p triton-deploy/models/yolov7/1/
  • aws s3 cp s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/model/Visdrone/Yolov7/best/ae-yolov7-best-fp16-1x8x8.engine .
  • touch triton-deploy/models/yolov7/config.pbtxt
  • vim triton-deploy/models/yolov7/config.pbtxt

write following content to the file

name: "yolov7-visdrone-finetuned"
platform: "tensorrt_plan"
max_batch_size: 8
dynamic_batching { }

Place model and upload to s3

  • mv ae-yolov7-best-fp16-1x8x8.engine triton-deploy/models/yolov7/1/model.plan
  • aws s3 sync triton-deploy s3://aerial-detection-mlops4/model/Visdrone/Yolov7/triton-deploy
Running Application using Docker-Compose

C. Running Prometheus-Grafana Monitoring Service

  • cd to prometheus-and-grafana directory
  • run 'docker-compose up -d' command
  • to stop, run 'docker-compose down' command