
Purpose of this script

The R script (run_analysis.R) reads the data from the UCI HAR Dataset directory. It combines the datasets in the 'test' and 'training' directories. It extracts the columns of the dataset that contain averages and standard deviations for particular measurements during the trial, along with the corresponding Subject_ID and Activity_Name. The mean for each subject's measurement is computed by taking all of the trials for a given activity for each subject (Ex. take the mean of measurements for subject 1 for all RUNNING_UPSTAIRS trials). The means of all the standard deviations and means are printed to a file called TidyAverages.txt.
There are 180 rows of data (30 subjects * 6 activities). Each column contains an average of the data type listed under Data about motion obtained from phone.

##Data Source The directory UCI HAR Dataset directory must be in the directory from which the run_analysis.R script is called. The data can be obtained from:

#Columns in the dataset: "Subject_ID" - the subject's identification number

"Activity_Name" - the activity being performed while data was collected

###Data about motion obtained from the phone "tBodyAcc-mean()-X"
































































