
React Starter project for Sitecore JSS in TypeScript with frontend running in Node


Branch Build status Disconnected example url
develop Build Status https://react-jss-typescript-starter-develop.azurewebsites.net (latest)
master Build Status https://react-jss-typescript-starter.azurewebsites.net (behind on develop)

Quick Start

Welcome to the react-jss-typescript-starter template, the ultimate template to start your Sitecore JSS project with React + TypeScript and deploy it in a Docker container.

If you have Node installed you can get started in four commands, even without having Sitecore running on your machine:

npm install -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli
jss create --repository macaw-interactive/react-jss-typescript-starter --branch develop my-first-jss-app react-typescript
cd my-first-jss-app
jss start

And start reading...