
This repo is intended to be used for Turing's Intro to Optimization Lesson

Set Up

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Run bundle install from the command line

Database Setup

Since generating a large amount of sample data via a DB seed task takes time, this branch includes a pre-built dataset in the form of a postgres DB dump. This is a data format similar to what you might use to backup a production postgres system.

A pg_dump is basically a direct snapshot of all the data contained in the DB at a given time. As such it's much quicker for your local postgres server to load all this data than it would be for you to re-generate all the data via the seed task yourself.

If you would like to see how the seeds were created, you can look at the db/seeds.rb file. Warning: manually running the seeds task will take several minutes to complete and is not recommended. Instead, load the sample data by running:

rails sample_data:load

If you would like to skip importing the data, you can create your database the more traditional way:

rails db:create
rails db:migrate