Primary LanguageC


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1. Installation

I recommand installing 'JoPIC' code in LINUX system.

Present version is composed of 'cartesian' and 'cylindrical' codes and each code is located in different directory.

In directories, you may find 'makefile' which will install the code. Denpending on your computer system, you have to specify 'CFLAGS' and 'LDFLAGS' which will define pathes of gs library(gsl), fftw, and hdf5.

If you don't have gsl, fftw, and hdf5 in you computer, please install three libraries.

After defining pathes in 'makefile',

type 'make'.

2. Running codes

Type below,

mpirun -np [number of mpi_cores] [path of code] / jopic [input file] [step for restart]

[step for restart] : iteration step only when dump file (titled with 'dumpField[step].h5' and 'dumpParticle[step].h5' exist.

example :

  • When you want to rerun starting 5000 time-step with existing 'dumpField5000.h5' and 'dumpParticle5000.h5'.

    mpirun -np 8 /home/scienter/Git/JoPIC/cartesian/jopic lwfa.inp 5000

  • When you run from beginning

    mpirun -np 8 /home/scienter/Git/JoPIC/cartesian/jopic lwfa.inp

3. Input file

Some examples are prepared in 'input' folder. Input file can be any txt file. Examples have '.inp' extension, but there is no rule to define file name and extension.

You may find In writing....

4. Postprocessing

Output files are written in hdf5 file format. Output files can be converted or explored using python or c programming.

In 'diag' folder, you may find some postprocessing codes, those convert hdf5 output to txt file.

The converted txt file will write and arrange data to be able to plot in 'gnuplot' program which is well-known free software and available for windows and linux system.

To use diag programs, you have to compile codes. In diag directory, you may find compile file. After specifying library pathes in compile, simply type

sh compile or ./compile

Once finishing compilation, you will have list of programs.

Postprocessing Cylindrical field data.

When you type './hdf_field', it will show message as below.

./hdf_field [mode] [initial] [final] [timestep] [stX] [stY]

mode(0): [fileType] [angle] [minY] [maxY] [shift]

mode(1): [fileType] [angleDivision] [cellNum]

mode(2): [minY] [maxY] [angle] [numS] [species1] [species2] ...

mode(3 : summing): [minY] [maxY] [angle] [numS] [species1] [species2] ...

There are 4 modes, but mode 0 will be enough for obtaining basic data.

  • [stX] [stY] : defining stripe step. If [stX]=1, [stY]=1, all field grids are included. If [stX]=1, [stY]=2, y grid number will be half of origin data.

  • [fieldType] : file name except of time step. If field file has name of fieldSplit4000.h5, [fieldType] is fieldSplit. In case of density file like 0density5000.h5, [fieldType] is 0density.

  • [angle] : azimuthal angle in degree. ex) 0 or 90

  • [minY] [maxY] : plot range in transverse

  • [shift] : just type '0'.

For example if you have field data from 2000 to 10000 with step 2000,

/home/scienter/jopic/diag/hdf_field 0 2000 10000 2000 1 1 fieldSplit 0 -60e-6 60e-6 0

Then, it will create txt file in 'gnuplot' format.

In writing....

Other postprocessing program written in python will be preparing in the future.