
Package for work with Karma blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Package for work with Karma blockchain


This library can be obtained through npm:

# npm install karmachain


karmachain package contain class Karma:

const Karma = require("karmachain")

Kamra contains static methods for work with public API, and dynamic methods for work with wallet API.


Example initialization:


After initialization, you can connect:


Karma.connect() return Promise, resolve it when connection consists.

You may to subscribe to connection event:


Public API

After connection, you may call public api methods. For example Karma.db return wrapper for database API:


Karma.history is wrapper for history API:

Karma.history.get_account_history("<account_id>", "1.11.0", 10, "1.11.0")

Private API

If you want access to private API, you need create object from Karma class:

let account = new Karma("accountName","privateActiveKey")


let account = Karma.login("accountName","password")

account have transfer method:

await account.transfer(toName, assetSymbol, amount, memo)

Some examples:

const Karma = require('karmachain')
KEY = 'privateActiveKey'

Karma.subscribe('connected', startAfterConnected)

async function startAfterConnected() {
  let bot = new Karma('test-acc',KEY)

  let iam = await Karma.accounts['test-acc'];
  let info = await Karma.db.get_full_accounts([iam.id],false);

Karma in REPL

If you install karmachan-package in global storage, you may start karma exec script:

$ karma

This command try autoconnect to mainnet karmachain. If you want to connect on testnet, try this:

$ karma --testnet

It is nodejs REPL with several variables:

  • karma, main class karmachain package
  • login, function to create object of class Karma
  • generateKeys, to generateKeys from login and password
  • accounts, is analog Karma.accounts
  • assets, is analog Karma.assets
  • db, is analog Karma.db
  • history, is analog Karma.hostory
  • network, is analog Karma.network
  • fees, is analog Karma.fees

For example

$ karma
> assets["krm"].then(console.log)

Shot request

If need call only one request, you may use --account, --asset, --block, --object, --history, --balance or --transfer keys in command-line:

$ karma --account <'name' or 'id' or 'last number in id'>
  "id": "1.2.5992",
  "membership_expiration_date": "1970-01-01T00:00:00",
  "registrar": "1.2.37",
  "referrer": "1.2.21",

$ karma --asset <'symbol' or 'id' or 'last number in id'>
  "id": "1.3.0",
  "symbol": "KRM",
  "precision": 5,

$ karma --block [<number>]
block_num: 4636380
  "previous": "0046bedba1317d146dd6afbccff94412d76bf094",
  "timestamp": "2018-10-01T13:09:40",
  "witness": "1.6.41",

$ karma --object 1.2.3
  "id": "1.2.3",
  "membership_expiration_date": "1969-12-31T23:59:59",
  "registrar": "1.2.3",
  "referrer": "1.2.3",

$ karma --history <account> [<limit>] [<start>] [<stop>]
    "id": "1.11.98179",
    "op": [

$ karma --balance <account or accounts> [<asset or assets>]
KRM: 1234.567

$ karma --transfer <from> <to> <amount> <asset> [--key]
Transfered <amount> <asset> from '<from>' to '<to>' with memo '<memo>'


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.


The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.