[Something-something] LLM Pet Dog

It's a dog but not a dog in a physical fleshy sense, because why should one have to deal with "real" ones that require more maintenance than just deleting its AWS S3 instance or Docker container when its being bad.


With the rise of Large Language Models(LLMs) like OpenAI's ChatGPT, Meta's LLaMA, and cough Google's Bard, AI is going to become more intertwined in our lives as it become more useful and intuitive to use.

Another reason is because of boredom, so why not add something similar to Neuro-sama into a robot like Boston Dynamic's Spot and a lot of other things to make it work and act like a real dog. Spot the dog being integrated with everything possible to make like a real dog, but the real idea is probably going to be cheaper

So how?

Realistically, creating the LLM and the physical base for the dog should be prioritized first the time should follow this: Idea --> LLM creation --> LLM training and model wrangling --> Electronics design and prototyping --> Basic LLM integration into hardware --> ??? --> Profit.

Stuff to be added later

  • Proper procedures
  • CAD/PCB Design files
  • LLM reference data set
  • LLM training info
  • etc.