This documentation shows the steps needed to run the project website on your local computer.
Prequisites: A. SQLite installed on your local computer (SQLite is used for the database) B. You have obtained an API_Key from the Mapbox (API Key is needed for Leaflet).
Clone the repository on your desktop
create a config.js javascript file in the static folder and include the following line : const API_KEY = "<include the API key that you'd obtained for Leaflet">
Navigate to the folder that contains and launch GitBach (Windows) or Terminal (Mac).
type source activate PythonWebMongo or active a virtual environment with SQLite and Python in it.
type python (this will create a database and inserts the data from the data folder). Note: be sure that you see sample data is printed on your terminal session
type export
Type flask run Observe that FLASK server starts and tells you which port it's running
Open your Chrome browser and enter this address:
You should see the project webpage with the title: St. Paul 99 - Project II