
StPaul 99 project repo for Heroku

Primary LanguageCSS

Data Analytics Bootcamp Project #2 documentation

Contributors: Beryl Kaczmarczik, Farshad Esnaashari, Katherine Rootes, Matt Pollari


This documentation shows the steps needed to run the project website on your local computer.

Prequisites: A. SQLite installed on your local computer (SQLite is used for the database) B. You have obtained an API_Key from the Mapbox (API Key is needed for Leaflet).


  1. Clone the repository on your desktop

  2. create a config.js javascript file in the static folder and include the following line : const API_KEY = "<include the API key that you'd obtained for Leaflet">

  3. Navigate to the folder that contains insert_data.py and launch GitBach (Windows) or Terminal (Mac).

  4. type source activate PythonWebMongo or active a virtual environment with SQLite and Python in it.

  5. type python insert_data.py (this will create a database and inserts the data from the data folder). Note: be sure that you see sample data is printed on your terminal session

  6. type export FLASK_APP=app.py

  7. Type flask run Observe that FLASK server starts and tells you which port it's running

  8. Open your Chrome browser and enter this address:

You should see the project webpage with the title: St. Paul 99 - Project II