is an online repository for games that are especially designed to be tailored to the needs of the blind, by SciFY
LEAP (Listen – LEArn – Play) is a series of electronic games specifically designed for blind children.
The first game, Tic-Tac-Toe, teaches the children to use the basic computer keys as well as how to navigate in an auditory two-dimensional space.
With Tennis, children perceive movement and speed through three-dimensional sound.
The last game of this series, Curve, is of an educational nature and combines the skills and abilities developed in the two previous games to bring typical optical educational procedures into the auditory space.
The games were awarded at an international level for their innovation in accessibility support.
Specially designed for blind children
Utilization of binaural sound, in collaboration with the Ionian University
This project is essentially an HTML static page, with the relevant styles and scripts, bundled together. So just fire up
a web server and browser of your choice, and open index.html
In order to initialize the file that will contain the variable for Google Analytics ID, run the following:
cp assets/js/constants.js.j2 assets/js/constants.js
And then replace the variables in the file with the appropriate values
You can add more CSS in the file assets/css/app.css
This is a static HTML project, so feel free to add more elements, scripts, and styles.
Question: Is this package free to use?
Answer: Yes. This project is totally free and developed as an Open-Source project.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for general details.
After you have committed your changes, create a new git tag:
git tag -a vx.y.z -m "This is a nice tag name"
Then, push the tag:
git push origin vx.y.z
The Apache Licence. Please see the Licence File for more information.