
Pooled memory for ndarrays

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple wrapper for typedarray-pool. I got tired of manually constructing ndarrays from typedarrays, and so this module saves some keystrokes/sanity.

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var pool = require("ndarray-scratch")

//Create a temporary typed array
var x = pool.malloc([100,100])

//Do stuff with x

//Release x


npm install ndarray-scratch


var pool = require("ndarray-pool")

pool.malloc(shape[, dtype])

Allocates a temporary ndarray

  • shape is the shape of the array to allocate
  • dtype is the dtype of the array to allocate (default "double")

Returns a temporary ndarray


Creates a scratch ndarray initialized to 0

  • shape is the shape of the resulting array
  • dtype is the datatype of the array (default "double")

Returns A temporary ndarray initialized to 0


Creates a scratch ndarray initialized to 1

  • shape is the shape of the resulting array
  • dtype is the datatype of the array (default "double")

Returns A temporary ndarray initialized to 1


Creates a scratch ndarray initialized to 1 if all indices equal, 0 otherwise.

  • shape is the shape of the resulting array
  • dtype is the datatype of the array (default "double")

Returns A temporary ndarray initialized to the identity matrix


Releases a temporary ndarray

  • array is the ndarray to release.


Creates a copy of an ndarray with row-major order.

  • array is an ndarray

Returns A temporary copy of array


(c) 2013-2014 Mikola Lysenko. MIT License