- 7
`uproot` cannot write root files over xrootd.
#1252 opened by ikrommyd - 6
Unclear how to manually do column projection with `uproot.dask` (and API differences with `dask-awkward`)
#1349 opened by pfackeldey - 2
TypeError: Model_ROOT_3a3a_RNTuple.keys() got an unexpected keyword argument 'filter_branch'
#1350 opened by oshadura - 0
dask-awkward issue leads to not working `uproot.dask`
#1346 opened by jpwgnr - 0
xrootd connections through dask not working
#1343 opened by sihyunjeon - 0
- 4
- 4
Serialization for number of histogram entries
#1276 opened by alexander-held - 1
Writing jagged array from tuple created by uproot
#1318 opened by apoluekt - 1
uproot.concatenate craches with 'cut' and 'library="pd"'
#1321 opened by apoluekt - 3
- 1
not able to create pandas dataframe
#1329 opened by sv3048 - 4
`'Model_ROOT_3a3a_Experimental_3a3a_RNTuple' object is not subscriptable` error while accessing event keys
#1260 opened by giedrius2020 - 0
RNTuple has removed meta data from Footer
#1303 opened by Moelf - 1
RNTuple fields have unexpected 4 bytes when recent master ROOT version is used
#1288 opened by giedrius2020 - 0
RNTuple has added a new `fMaxKeySize` in Anchor
#1302 opened by Moelf - 0
RNtuple `__len__` should return the number of keys, and have a `num_entries` property for the number of entries
#1220 opened by jpivarski - 0
Missing attribute in __array__ method of STLVector
#1324 opened by rossodisera - 1
pyodide-build test stopped working
#1326 opened by jpivarski - 1
Slow loading of file into arrays.
#1314 opened by JoyYTZhou - 14
uproot4 to uproot5 TTree to DataFrame arrays slower
#1257 opened by masterfelu - 0
`signed char` is missing from the parsable types of `uproot.interpretation.identify._parse_node`; what else is missing?
#1315 opened by jpivarski - 2
Setuptools import error with uproot4
#1259 opened by Dominic-Stafford - 3
- 2
- 2
Writing TTrees to a file from a numpy array containing strings
#1265 opened by Blue-EyesChaosMaxDragon - 0
- 0
Reading TNtuple into an array
#1270 opened by AndiZm - 4
Inconsistent Reading of Grouped Branches
#1267 opened by SamKelson - 12
- 10
Reading files through HTTPS protocol results `TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'ServerDisconnectedError'`
#1233 opened by oshadura - 2
Include a polars backend?
#1264 opened by denehoffman - 0
- 2
Is HTTPS+X509 missing with uproot?
#1241 opened by bockjoo - 8
Passing SSLContext for the HTTPS+X509 to uproot.dask fails because the context is not serializable
#1248 opened by bockjoo - 0
`uproot.recreate` and `uproot.update` are using the colon-parsing of ``, but they shouldn't
#1251 opened by jpivarski - 0
Error reading baskets
#1243 opened by kskovpen - 3
- 1
test_0927_dont_assume_uproot_in_global_scope_in_TPython_Eval now raises an exception
#1237 opened by jpivarski - 6
xrootd read fails for large arrays
#1217 opened by ponyisi - 0
`parse_typename` fails on const pointer members
#1229 opened by veprbl - 0
- 8
'read beyond' in AwkwardForth error when reading vector<vector<object>> branch
#1221 opened by AndrewEdmonds11 - 0
Maybe add retry logic for failed remote data access
#1219 opened by jpivarski - 0
File-opening functions (e.g. ``) should complain about unrecognized arguments
#1215 opened by jpivarski - 1
- 5
- 2
Problem extracting TH1F and TH2F using uproot
#1190 opened by gabrielmscampos - 1
Error creating fixed-length array branch in new TTree
#1185 opened by djw9497 - 0
Read free floating std::vector
#1179 opened by ioanaif