
Swipeable slideshows for iPad tablets.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Ultimate Dinosaurs - Digital Flip Book


Swipeable slideshow for iPad tablets. This app generates a series of full-screen slides from a configuration file and linked images. It can be used to make multiple iPad slideshows, each with unique content.

Hardware Setup

Install Flipbook Content

  • Clone this repository into an empty folder on your computer.
  • TODO - Add instructions step for downloading all assets for flipbooks..
  • Inside index.html, change the data-config inside the body tag to the path of the flipbook xml that represents whichever flipbook you want to use.
<body data-config="configs/404.xml">
  • Transfer files to iPad using iMazing software.
    1. Connect via USB. Select iPad from sidebar.
    2. Navigate to Apps > KioskPro.
    3. Drag files into root KioskPro folder. (index.html MUST be in root)

Launching Flipbook

  1. On the iPad, launch Kiosk Pro Plus, which is now configured to display your flipbook.
  2. Enable Guided Access by Triple-pressing the Home button.