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A dataset of mentorship in science with semantic and demographic estimations

This is the code repository for the paper titled "A dataset of mentorship in science with semantic and demographic estimations".

Linking Academic Family Tree to Microsoft Academic Graph


  • prepare_people.ipynb: Normalizing researcher profiles
  • prepare_connect.ipynb: Extracting mentor-mentee pairs
  • prepare_aft_to_mag_affil.ipynb: Matching institutions between AFT and MAG
  • prepare_aft_to_mag_author.ipynb: Linking AFT researchers to MAG authors
  • prepare_mag_authorship.ipynb: Exporting authorship and paper IDs


  • prepare_validation_paper.ipynb: Matching validation papers with MAG
  • validate_aft_to_mag_author.ipynb: Validating AFT-to-MAG author matching


  • prepare_paper_author_vector_tfidf.ipynb: TF-IDF vectors of papers and authors

Usage note

To load TF-IDF vectors of papers:

from scipy.sparse import load_npz

paper_tfidf = load_npz('dataset/paper_tfidf.npz')

paper_tfidf is a sparse matrix. Each row corresponds to a paper, with its ID given in the file paper_tfidf_MAGPaperID.txt.

Researchers' TF-IDF vectors can be loaded similarly.

SPECTER vectors of papers and researchers can be loaded in a row-like style:

import pickle

fin = open('dataset/paper_specter_0.pkl', 'rb')
unpickler = pickle.Unpickler(fin) 
while True:
        pubid, vec = unpickler.load()
    except EOFError: