
An in-memory and performatic vote API with Node/Express and LokiJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

vote-api Build Status Built with Grunt

An in-memory and performatic vote API with Node/Express and LokiJS

Getting Started

1. Setting Up environment

Clone this repository and install nodeJS...

Attention! If you are running on Ubuntu SO, please, read this article for clear any doubts!

...and them grunt-cli package (NPM) globally:

npm install -g grunt-cli

2. Download node modules

Use this commands on upon your cloned folder:

npm install

You are almost ready!

Use the folowing steps to start locally, build or test your applicattion:

Start api server

npm start

The server will start at http://localhost:8080. Take a look if this port not it use by other proccess. You can test api on Postman using the vote-api.json.postman_collection present on root of this repository.

Test application

Only api request tests (with Mocha, should and Supertest)


Benchmark (performance) test

grunt benchmark

The test result will be generated at output_folder in HTML format containing a graph and information about the benchmark test. Extra configurations can to be easily do inside config.js