
Primary LanguageCGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

ZIMPL is a little language to translate the mathematical model of a
problem into a linear or (mixed-)integer mathematical program
expressed in .lp or .mps file format which can be read by a LP or MIP

If you use Zimpl for research and publish results, the best way
to refer to Zimpl is to cite my Ph.d. thesis:

   author      = "Thorsten Koch",
   title       = "Rapid Mathematical Programming",
   year        = "2004",
   school      = "Technische {Universit\"at} Berlin",
   url         = "http://www.zib.de/Publications/abstracts/ZR-04-58/",
   note        = "ZIB-Report 04-58",

To compile Zimpl you need two additional librarys:

 - GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library 
   Version 4.2.2 or newer at http://www.swox.com/gmp
 - zlib Version 1.2.5 or newer at http://www.gzip.org/zlib/

Zimpl has not been tested with older versions of above librarys.
GMP Version 3.x will not work for sure.

If zlib.h and gmp.h and libgmp.a and libz.a are not at the usual
places you have to adapt the Makefile, see below.

On a Linux system you might succeed with just saying: make


  Whatever with GNU C        :  gmake 
  Linux/x86 with Intel C     :  gmake COMP=intel
  Tru64 with Compaq C        :  gmake COMP=compaq
  Solaris with SUN Forte C   :  gmake COMP=sun
  AIX with VisualAge C       :  gmake COMP=ibm
  Windows with Cygwin/GCC    :  gmake COMP=gnu
  HPUX with HP C             :  gmake COMP=hp
  IRIX with SGI C            :  gmake COMP=sgi
If your configuration is not in the list or does not work,
you have to change the Makefile. Go to make/local
an add a file make.<hostname_of_your_computer>
There you can set the usual suspects like CC, CFLAGS, LDFLAG,
and so on. 
The most likely reason that you can't compile, is that
gmp.h or zlib.h are not in your include path (-I) or
that libgmp.a oder libz.a are not in your library path (-L). 


CPPFLAGS        +=      -I/tmp/gmp/include
LDFLAGS         +=      -L/tmp/gmp/lib

Have a look at Makefile and make/make.* to
get an idea. 

On some MAC systems, GMP is installed under /sw/include and /sw/lib.
If these are not contained in the library and include paths, you have
to add them explicitly, as shown above.


You can just the through the source files into Visual Studio 2010.
Please add the contents of the src/WIN directory to the files to be 
compiled. Make sure to set the following defines: 
WIN32 or WIN64 and INLINE=

As for the libraries we recommend to replace gmp by 
  MPIR - Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals
         version 2.4.0 or newer from http://mpir.org
Furthermore, you need 
  PCRE - Perl Compatible Regular Expressions 
         version 8.12 or newer from http://www.pcre.org 
         which should be compiled using the following two
         defines -DWITH_PCRE -DPCRE_STATIC

Do a "make check" and look if it works. If not, compile again
with an added "OPT=dbg" to the gmake invocation. 

If a failure in the 'subto' test is reported, this is to a
difference in the behaviour of printf() and not a problem.

Copy bin/zimpl.*.opt to wherever you like.

if you don't have gcc and gmake etc. You can try the following.
Go to src and say "cc -O *.c -o zimpl".  

ZIMPL is under the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3. 
See the file LICENSE for details.

Can be found at http://zimpl.zib.de

Probably several. If you find one, send a description 
with runnable example .zpl file to koch@zib.de
(Better even, send a working fix ;-)

If anything is changed in the code I would recommend recompiling
without NDEBUG and NO_MSHELL defined. This will slow down the code
considerably but will do a lot of consistency checking.
In the source code are a lot of comments starting with
/*lint ... and also a target in the Makefile.
These are for flexelint (see http://www.gimpel.com) a very good
version of lint. If you are interested in my settings used for this
project, send me an email.

To Tuomo Takkula, Armin Fuegenschuh, Marc Pfetsch, Daniel Junglas, 
Joerg Rambau, Tobias Achterberg, Andreas Bley, Sebastian Orlowski, 
Bejamin Hiller, Ralf Borndoerfer, Martin Assmann, Nicolas Weber, 
Marc Moerig, Jens Hillmann, Dimitri Sverdlov, Joachim Reichel, 
Maciej Warszawski and all I forgot for their comments and bug reports.


Have fun!