FABRIC Experiments for SciStream

This document provide detailed FABRIC experiments for SciStream experiments. Also provide a simple proxy design for S2DS (sockmap), and a QUIC proxy solution

'scistream_Final...' Jupyter Notebook

You may start from this notebook first to check on how SciStream is setup on FABRIC testbed.

Please note, FABRIC testbed is not stable, it is still under development!

Make sure to update the credential requirements block, currently provided is as of Aug 2022. Useful resources are also provided in the jupyter notebook. Please check carefully.


These are the setup scripts for the environment.

File Name Usage
setup.sh SciStream setup and usage example
setup_tcp-sockmap.sh sockmap proxy setup, please do mannually
setup_mona_conda.sh && setup_mona.sh Install MONA application on node, use virtual environment
setup_quic_proxy.sh Install quic and quic proxy on board.

Supporting files

You will need those supporting files for create the QUIC proxy as well as the sockmap proxy chain.

File Name Usage
quic-go.zip go version QUIC, used for develop QUIC proxy code
quic-proxy-example.zip source code for quic proxy
quic-tun A tunnel solution for using QUIC on WAN, used for comparision
sockmap_kern && sockmap_user.txt sockmap proxy source code to be added in the linux kernel, please check setup_tcp-sockmap.sh file for details

FABRIC testbed in stage 1

Image for FABRIC test in Stage 1, as of Aug 2022.

SciStream on FABRIC - Topology graph on whiteboard :)

SciStream Topology on FABRIC, with IPs and dataflow.


If you have more question, please contact: Chengyi Qu @ cqy78 at mail dot missouri dot edu, or Joaquin Chung @ chungmiranda at anl dot gov.