
Scite plugin causing Zotero breakage in

dstillman opened this issue · 10 comments

Weird, I tried on that build too, as did one of my colleagues... looking now, thanks for reporting it @dstillman

I reached out to them to see if they could try and send me their prefs.js file since the first person said everything worked after deleting it (trying to look at mine to see if anything could cause a weird interaction...)

Ahh, think I see it..

EDIT: Nope, can't replicate... will wait for follow up...

This bug also appeared to me.
I did a video showing how this happened:

Hi @RaulMendes94 thanks for the video -- so it looks like it happened after sorting. Could you confirm both your Zotero build version, and your scite plugin version? I pushed one change recently in our plugin here which might help, but will try to replicate with your exact configuration once you let me know.

(sorry you ran into this too 🙈 )

Actually @RaulMendes94 I was able to replicate this problem on plugin 1.10.0 with Zotero Thank you very much for the video, it was sorting related with how the getField function worked (I broke it accidentally as part of that original 1.10.0 changeset).

But if I use our plugin 1.11.1 (linked above), it doesn't happen -- can you try that plugin version and let me know if it works for you as well? I can sort correctly too with that plugin version.

Thanks u-ashish.
I deleted the extension and installed this new one (v1.11.1). Now it is working.

The Zotero version is
The problem appeared today morning (almost 10 hours ago), so I think that the plugin version was the recent one updated automatically. But it worked after I deleted it and installed again.

awesome, thanks so much for confirming @RaulMendes94. I'll update it in the zotero discussion as well so people know to upgrade.

I think that it is important to remove it first before install this new version, because I failed when I tried to install it the first time just by dropping the new one without removing the old one.

It worked fine after I click the "remove" button and install the new one.


Yeah so if you are installing it directly, you need to do that. Alternatively, if you already have an old version installed, you can upgrade it directly to the latest by doing the following:

  • Click Tools -> Add-Ons
  • For the scite-zotero-plugin, click More
  • Click Check for updates
  • It should find the latest update and then prompt you to upgrade

(It also checks periodically but you can force the upgrade by doing this)