- 1
The language of some menu items (e.g. Copy, Paste, Undo, etc) in the item panel is always English even though the Zotero language is not.
#71 opened by zhikaiyici - 1
- 0
support for arxiv preprint
#72 opened by greatbaozi001 - 42
Zotero 7.0 Support
#55 opened by johntian - 8
- 4
Sorting by the number of citations
#67 opened by ybeltukov - 2
Zotero Plugin not working on my Windows Laptop
#59 opened by Losinde - 1
How to prevent Scite Add-in from updating all the collection at the opening of Zotero?
#60 opened by Ansophie - 2
Scite Columns - Zotero
#61 opened by Fotis-Mysta - 2
Zotero 7.0.0 Installation fail
#57 opened by fishgirl7 - 0
- 1
manifest file is missing or unreadable
#62 opened by Apmaranca - 3
Not Seeing Columns in Zotero
#58 opened by nickles15 - 0
DOI not found in Extra field
#56 opened by johnghill - 4
pull DOI from Extra field?
#33 opened by u-ashish - 1
- 3
- 1
about resize colum and color icon
#53 opened by itsdrchen - 0
Recommend dblp as the data source to query DOI.
#52 opened by byerose - 2
Support adding scite index
#51 opened by wenlzhang - 8
- 10
Scite doesn't work
#49 opened by Miaoyifei-mz - 2
Register custom sort fields
#48 opened by dstillman - 1
Pubpeer and scite incompatibility
#47 opened by drchriscole - 7
Not compatible with PubPeer zotero plugin
#41 opened by YCChiang - 0
Add section tallies on the right item pane
#46 opened by u-ashish - 6
No caching of results
#24 opened by andrusha - 1
- 0
Decouple update.rdf from release
#42 opened by u-ashish - 30
With zotero 6.0 it breaks the database
#38 opened by rvlobato - 3
- 7
Incompatible with Zotero 6.0 beta
#34 opened by Miaoyifei-mz - 3
Scite plugin does not work with short DOIs
#32 opened by Rhydderch - 5
zotero Add-ons dialog not opening
#31 opened by ebw44 - 4
Time out error messages
#30 opened by champagnealexandre - 10
- 0
- 4
Look into zotero v6 support
#25 opened by u-ashish - 0
Tallies sometimes don't load
#22 opened by u-ashish - 0
DOI for preprints / psyarxiv
#21 opened by u-ashish - 7
- 5
'Refresh tallies from scite' menu option does not exist when selecting more than 1 item.
#18 opened by MavropaliasG - 4
Function DOMParser() Error
#16 opened by l0o0 - 4
Cannot resize columns added by plugin
#12 opened by danieltomasz - 4
Plugin installation fails (v1.0.2)
#10 opened by BrandonMurugan