
Scite Data in Zotero Ephemeral (Not in local Database)?

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I am using an online accessible Zotero group as the back end for publication listings on a web page.

To augment that information with citation data I have been using Zotero Citations Count Manager - which is not compatible (yet?) with Zotero 7.0.

As the scite plugin is 7.0-compatible, I was looking into using scite data instead, but realized, that the Zotero-API does not seem to allow access to it. Am I correct assuming that the Scite data presented in the Zotero UI is only ever held in memory and does not get written into Zotero's permanent data structure? That would also impliy that Scite data display in Zotero depends on access to the web...

Thanks for any pointers.

I have a question related to this:

Is it possible to export the Scite column like we do for other columns?