
Wrap an arbitrary webapp so it can be used in place of jupyter-singleuser in a JupyterHub setting

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Wrap an arbitrary webapp so it can be used in place of jupyter-singleuser in a JupyterHub setting.

Within JupyterHub this allows similar operation to jupyter-server-proxy except it also removes the Jupyter notebook itself, so is working directly with the arbitrary web service.

OAuth authentication is enforced based on JUPYTERHUB_* environment variables.

This is a very basic alpha version.

Install and Run

Install using pip.

pip install jhsingle-native-proxy

The process to start is specified on the command line, for example a streamlit web app:

jhsingle-native-proxy streamlit hello

By default the jhsingle-native-proxy server will listen on port 8888, forwarding to port 8500.

But you will normally need to tell jhsingle-native-proxy which port the end process will run in, and maybe tell the end process which port you want it to use (which you can do with the substitution variable {port}).

Note the use of -- to signal the end of command line options to jhsingle-native-proxy. Then the third party command line itself can contain options starting with dashes. An alternative is to use the substitution {--}

jhsingle-native-proxy -- streamlit hello --server.port {port} --server.headless True --server.enableCORS False

To run jhsingle-native-proxy itself listening on a different port use:

jhsingle-native-proxy --port 8000 streamlit hello

To run jhsingle-native-proxy on port 8000, and the end process on 8505:

jhsingle-native-proxy --port 8000 --destport 8505 -- streamlit hello --server.port {port} --server.headless True --server.enableCORS False

Use the JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX env var to specify the first part of the URL to listen to (and then strip before forwarding). E.g. JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX=/user/dan will mean requests on http://localhost:8888/user/dan/something will forward to http://localhost:8500/something

You can also specify --ip for the address to listen on.

Below we use the substitution {--} for the command to run, allowing us to specify --ip to jhsingle-native-proxy instead of the command being run.

jhsingle-native-proxy --port 8000 --destport 8505 streamlit hello {--}server.port {port} {--}server.headless True {--}server.enableCORS False --ip 

Voila example:

Running voila at the subfolder URL e.g. /user/dan/:

python -m jhsingle_native_proxy.main --destport 8505 voila ./Presentation.ipynb {--}port={port} {--}no-browser {--}Voila.server_url=/ {--}Voila.base_url={base_url}/ {--}debug


The above examples all assume OAuth will be enforced, as per the JUPYTERHUB_* env vars.

Alternatives can be specified via the authtype flag:

Same as default:

jhsingle-native-proxy --authtype=oauth streamlit hello

No auth required at all:

jhsingle-native-proxy --authtype=none streamlit hello

Proposed for the future : require a URL query token called 'token' to be supplied and equal to that given in the --authtoken argument.

jhsingle-native-proxy --authtype=querytoken --authtoken=mysecrettoken streamlit hello

Development install

git clone https://github.com/ideonate/jhsingle-native-proxy.git
cd jhsingle-native-proxy

pip install -e .

To run directly in python: python -m jhsingle_native_proxy.main <rest of command line>