
Ragtime migrations with Clojure Boot build tool

Primary LanguageClojure


Clojars Project

Ragtime migrations with Clojure Boot build tool.

This is a simple task for boot to generate, apply and rollback migrations with weavejester's ragtime.

$ boot ragtime -h
Apply/rollback ragtime migrations

  -h, --help                 Print this help info.
  -d, --database DATABASE    Set database jdbc url to DATABASE.
  -g, --generate MIGRATION   Set name of generated migration to MIGRATION.
  -m, --migrate              Run all the migrations not applied so far.
  -r, --rollback             Increase number of migrations to be immediately rolled back.
  -l, --list-migrations      List all migrations to be applied.
  -c, --driver-class         The JDBC driver class name to initialize.
      --directory DIRECTORY  Set directory to store migrations in to DIRECTORY.

To use the ragtime task, require it in build.boot:

(require '[mbuczko.boot-ragtime :refer [ragtime]])


To generate brand new migration (up- and down-files located in migrations/ folder):

boot ragtime -g "add-user-table"

To list all the migration not applied so far:

boot ragtime -l -d "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/template1?user=postgres"

To apply those migrations:

boot ragtime -m -d "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/template1?user=postgres"

Finally to rollback latest migration:

boot ragtime -r -d "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/template1?user=postgres"

To rollback 2 latest migrations:

boot ragtime -rr -d ...

To simplify those commands you may set task option in build.boot:

 ragtime {:database "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/template1?user=postgres"})

and now, you may omit -d ... option from command line.

JDBC Driver

If you see an exception like java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found, you must explicitly pass the class name of the JDBC driver you're using. For postgres, this is org.postgresql.Driver.

To apply migrations using a specified driver name, you might do:

boot ragtime -m -c org.postgresql.Driver -d "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/template1?user=postgres"