The Turing-Roche Strategic Partnership

Welcome to community repository for the Turing-Roche Strategic Partnership! 🎉 Here you'll find project and community related documentation from our partnership.


The Alan Turing Institute and Roche officially set up our five year strategic partnership in June 2021 following a successful Turing Institute Data Study Group Hackathon and a 12 week research project on lung cancer treatment.

The 'North Star' of our five year partnership is to enable the generation of insights to better understand patient and disease heterogeneity and its relevance to clinical outcomes at an unprecedented level of precision in order to improve clinical care.

We will be covering multiple research and community activities to work towards our North Star, as well as building strong connections and collaborations between the Alan Turing Institute, Roche and the wider community.

📣 Communication Channels

  • Our website has info on the partnership, who's involved and our current projects
  • We send out a newlsetter monthly which includes partnership updates and opportunities and jobs, events and funding calls from both The Alan Turing Institute and Roche. You can sign up here
  • You can join our Slack Workspace to connect with the team and the wider community
  • We have a monthly knowledge share series. You can find out more and register for the events here. Previous events are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel here.

☎️ Contact

This repository is maintained by the Community Manager for the partnership, Vicky Hellon. You can reach her at

♻️ License

License: CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license for documentation. You are free to share and adapt the material for any purpose, even commercially, as long as you provide attribution (give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made) in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use, and with no additional restrictions.