
Library for BDD-based integer sets and transfer functions for abstract interpretation

Primary LanguageScala

BDDStab - BDD-based Integer Set Library

This library contains a BDD-based integer set implementation that efficiently handles large sets of integers of the fixed or dynamic bit-width, i.e., 2^n-bit integers as well as n-bit integers. API documentation is available at github.

More information, as well as publication are available at the website of the Hamburg University of Technology's Institute for Softwaresystems.

Intended Use

Primarily, this library is intended to be used in abstract-interpretation-based value analysis tools. It contains transfer functions on the BDD-based integer sets that operate on the underlying BDDs-only, i.e., do not operate on the represented integers. An example use of the library is available in the Jakstab BDDStab Adapter.


To use the library, create an empty directory. Create the following files:


addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.5")


name := "bddusage"
scalaVersion := "2.12.3"
lazy val root = Project("root", file(".")).dependsOn(bddproject)
lazy val bddproject = RootProject(uri("https://github.com/bigmac2k/integerset-bdd.git"))


import cc.sven.tlike._
import cc.sven.constraint._
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
object Main extends App {
//Empty 64-bit integer set
val empty = IntLikeSet.apply[Long, Long](64)
//All 64-bit integers that are not in empty = all 64-bit integers
val top = !empty
//Singleton set containing 0
val zero = IntLikeSet.range[Long, Long](64, 0, 0)
//Singleton set containing 1
val one = IntLikeSet.range[Long, Long](64, 1, 1)
//Bitwise boolean negation of all bits in one
val negtwo = one.bNot
//Bitweise AND of all 64-bit integers with negtwo
//Should give all even integers since LSB is bit masked out
val evens = top.bAnd(negtwo)
//Add one to all even integers without wrap-around, store in odds
val (odds, _) = evens.plusWithCarry(one)
//All positive even integers
val evensPos = {
  //Mapping between variables, named using integers, and their contents
  val m = HashMap(0 -> evens, 1 -> zero)
  //Greater or equal (GTE) of two variables
  val t = GTE(0, 1).solveIntLike[Long, Long](m)
  //Select the constrained value for variable 0
//All positive odd integers
val oddsPos = {
  val m = HashMap(0 -> odds, 1 -> zero)
  val t = GTE(0, 1).solveIntLike[Long, Long](m)
//Add all odd integers to all even integers, store in odds_
val (odds_, _) = evens.plusWithCarry(odds)
//Output results
println(s"all positive evens:\n${evensPos}\n")
println(s"all positive odds:\n${oddsPos}\n")
println(s"intersection:\n${evensPos intersect oddsPos}\n")
println(s"union:\n${evensPos union oddsPos}\n")
println(s"evens + odds == odds:\n${odds_ == odds}\n")

Then execute the following commands in your shell:

$ sbt assembly
$ time java -jar target/scala-2.12/bddusage-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

The output may be as follows:

all positive evens: Set[4611686018427387904](0, MANYVAL, 9223372036854775806)

all positive odds: Set[4611686018427387904](1, MANYVAL, 9223372036854775807)

intersection: Set[0]()

union: Set[9223372036854775808](0, MANYVAL, 9223372036854775807)

evens + odds == odds: true

java -jar 1,01s user 0,04s system 165