
This component automates deployment of products which are represented by artifacts in maven repositories

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Coverage Status

Status: in development


This component automates installation (deployment) of products which are represented by artifacts in maven repositories. download and install are different actions, and if we want to install product without network connection we must download product and all dependencies before installation. If scm4j-deployer-engine can't find valid repository in portable or working folder then they downloads from network.


  • product list: artifact (yaml file) which lists products and maven repositories
  • product: jar-artifact whose main class has public method getProductStructure which returns product structure
  • product structure: lists component's and dependent products if they are exists
  • dependent products: without which it is impossible to install the current product
  • component: represented by artifact coordinates (<groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version>) and one or few deployment procedure
  • deployment procedure: lists actions
  • action: represented by component deployer class and params
  • component deployer: is instantiated during deployment procedure, action paremeters are passed using init method
  • working folder: used to keep downloaded components and internal data structures
  • portable folder: if specified used as a target for download command and as an implicit repository. Scenario: download all components to a portable folder (normally located at the USB flash drive), go to a place where internet is not presented and install products there using portable folder as a source
  • legacy version: product version who deploys without scm4j-installer
  • immutable product : product, each version of which is a separate product

Thus all dependencies of product artifact are "deployers" and their dependencies i.e. implement deployment logic. Deployment "data" is represented by artifacts which are listed by IProductStructure interface.

Data Structure

Ref. data-structure.md

Scenarious Overview

Scenarious are represeneted by methods of DeployerEngine

  • DeployerEngine: Constructor does NOT do any network operation
  • listProducts: gets data from offline cache of product list
  • refreshProducts: refreshes cache for listProducts
  • listProductVersions: gets data from offline cache (products-versions.yml)
  • refreshProductVersions: refreshes offline cache
  • download: downloads given product
  • deploy: deploys given product. Downgrade disabled. To downgrade product need undeploy product and install older version
  • listDeployedProducts: lists all deployed product from deployed-products.yml


  • Deployment result: OK, NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS, NEED_REBOOT(only for Inno Setup .exe who provide param /restartexitcode={value}), REEBOOT_CONTINUE, INCOMPATIBLE_API_VERSION, ALREADY_INSTALLED, FAILED
  • INCOMPATIBLE_API_VERSION: Product should depend on deployer-api which is compatible with one used by engine
  • NEED_REBOOT: Only for Inno Setup .exe who provide param /restartexitcode=$restartexitcode. It means that installation succesfully but PC need to restart before work with installed product
  • DP - deployed product. Contains IProductStructure, Coords, and deployment URL
  • RP - required product


  • API compatibility is checked
  • Previously DP version is queried (deployed-products.yml), if not found and product implement ILegacyProduct interface, ILegacyProduct.queryLegacyDeployedProduct is used to get DP
  • Install dependencies (If product has dependency products)
    • all dependency products are installed recursively
    • if one of dependency products installation fails - DP installation fails
    • if dependency product installation returns REBOOT_CONTINUE - DP returns REBOOT_CONTINUE
  • If DP.version equals to RP.version then ALREADY_INSTALLED is returned
  • If DP.version greater then RP.version then NEWER_VERSION_EXISTS is returned
  • Stop DP
    • DP deployers and components are downloaded
    • All DP components are stopped in reverse order
    • If stop fails all DP-components are disabled,REBOOT_CONTINUE returns
  • Deployment
    • Components which does not exist anymore are undeployed, updated components redeployed (stop/undeploy/deploy), new components deployed
  • Start
    • All components started
  • If portable folder is specified it is implicitly used as a main repository (before all repos listed in product list)


  • product which uses scm4j-deployer-engine must implement IImmutable
  • new product deploys in IProduct.getDefaultDeploymentPath and creates child directory, which is called the same as the product version
  • file latest with latest product version writes in IProduct.getDefaultDeploymentPath directory

Under the Hood

scm4j-deployer-engine works with scm4j-deployer-api and scm4j-deployer-installers. installers is a project with few classes who knows how to run specific deployer(for example Copy, Unzip, Exec). Main class in scm4j-deployer-engine is DeployerEngine who describes in # Scenarious Overview. He invokes methods from

  • Downloader - checks API compatibility and downloads products and their deps
  • Deployer - deploys product and returns deployment result

How to Test

We create a repository in temporary folder and write test artifacts there. After we download them and their deps from this repository and check equality. To test deployment procedure we use test products (from directory org.scm4j.deployer.engine.products) and test deployers(from directory org.scm4j.deployer.engine.deployers) and mocked IDownloader.

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