Testing AJAX JQuery Perl
- Modules used:
- DBD::SQLite
- HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI
- Run from terminal:
- Connects to SQLITE and creates database test.db in /data folder.
- Creates table and headers.
- Inserts dummy data.
- Outputs database into JSON.
- Run from terminal:
- Creates a simple server to output html files.
- Worked on adding extra pages / ext. css file(in progress).
- Test files/partials for 'test-dbi.pl'.
Needed: Connecting the file correctly for the JSON output. Research on CGI and DBI is a must.
- Dynamically creates table based on data from dummy file and/or form.
- Click on New to show form and add content. Cancel hides again.
- Data picker requires validation.
- Submissions are added to local storage.
- Search only shows current input value including recently added data.
Needed: Research settings for executing a perl script w/ params.
test.db is created by test-dbi.pl.