A Repo to hold AWS-cloudformation templates for Cloud development. A Vue-Electron app to interface with S3, and a Node Server running graphql to talk to s3.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CLI- Uploader

uploads files or directories to S3 and DDB simultaneuously

To run CLI uploader :

git clone git@github.com:scmilee/AWSFun.git 
cd spoti-cli
yarn dev

The yarn dev script defaults to my s3Full role but that can be changed in the package.json , to your profile that allows s3 full access. Just take "dev": "AWS_PROFILE=s3Full node .electron-vue/dev-runner.js" and replace it with "dev": "AWS_PROFILE={your s3 role name from .aws/credentials} .electron-vue/dev-runner.js"


a GraphQl API for retrieving music and user data from DDB and S3, and logging to SQS when a song is played.

To run spotifyMusicService API :

git clone git@github.com:scmilee/AWSFun.git 
cd spotifyservice
npm install
npm start


pulls from SQS queue named reporting, then console.tables the output

Play-Logger takes messages from an SQS queue and console.tables them. To run play-Logger:

git clone git@github.com:scmilee/AWSFun.git 
cd play-logger
npm install
npm start


React-app mimicking Spotify,uses Firebase for auth and a Spotify-Service endpoint for retreiving/logging data.