
Tiny Go garbage collector test

Primary LanguageGo


Running it

go get && go build . && GODEBUG=gctrace=1, ./gogctest -lrusize 10000000 -addrate 10000

It needs approximately 3 GB of memory by default (modify -lrusize argument to adjust).

What is it

A small test intended to to exercise a workload that most traditional garbage collectors fail at.

It creates a number of goroutines, each having an LRU cache at a fixed size (number of entries), and indefinitely adds small items to it in a rate limited fashion.

Despite being very simple, traditional GCs tend to cause non-trivial pause times under this workload because of a combination of properties (some of which may not apply depending on GC):

  • The heap size is non-trivially large.

  • There are lots of tiny objects.

  • There are lots of pointers.

  • Many of the pointers are intergenerational/interregion (if running with such a GC).

  • There is lots of pointer mutation to bold old and new pointers.

  • The nature of the LRU means that objects mostly die old. This is the worst case for a generational GC.

A similar one for the JVM is at https://github.com/scode/lrugctest