
A script that auto accepts a game for you in CS:GO ✅

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A simple script that looks for the Accept button and clicks on it when found


  • You must have CS:GO running before starting the script
  • If you're using the Python Script instead of the Application, you must have Python 3 installed
  • For the automatic script setup (.bat), you must have Python 3 installed in the default location (...\AppData\Local\Programs\Python)


  • Make sure that CS:GO is already running before starting the script!
  • After starting the script, wait for it to open up CS:GO in the taskbar
  • When it opens up CS:GO, it will try to find your resolution (if you're using fullscreen stretched)
  1. One beep => The monitor's resolution didn't change, script will use your Desktop resolution
  2. Two beeps => Fullscreen Stretched resolution detected, script will use your in-game resolution
  • At this point, everything is set up and ready for use
  • See the console window for binds

Console Menu


Application (.exe)

This is the best choice for ease of instalation.

  • Download the "csgo-autoaccept-setup.exe" file

csgo-autoaccept-setup.exe Download - 56.4 MB

  • Once you start the setup, Windows Smartscreen will probably show a warning, since Windows doesn't know who created the program
  • To continue, press More info and Run Anyway
  • In the setup, enter the folder you want the script to install into, and wait for the installation to finish
  • After that, you're finished! Go into the folder where you installed the script and run bot.exe!

Python Script

This is the best choice for speed and reliability.

  • To use the Python Script, download the "csgo-autoaccept-script.zip" file

csgo-autoaccept-script.zip Download - 6.9 KB

  • Extract the contents of the .zip file

Automatic Installation (.bat)

To use the Automatic Installation method, you must have Python 3 installed in the default location (...\AppData\Local\Programs\Python)

  • Run the setup.bat file and wait until the command prompt disappears
  • After that, you're set! Just run AutoAccept.bat whenever you want to start AutoAccept!

Manual Installation

  • Open up cmd in the csgo-autoaccept-script folder (An easy way to do so is by entering cmd in the address bar)

Opening the cmd

  • Create a venv
  1. Locate your python installation folder. By default in: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python3.x\python.exe
  2. Copy the full address ending with \python.exe
  3. In the cmd window opened up earlier, type: <full copied address> -m venv .venv
  • Enter the venv by entering: .venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  • Download the required dependencies by entering: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • After that, you're set up! Close the command prompt and start the AutoAccept.bat file