This is my final project for the Promineo Backend developement course. Below you will find the instructions and requirements for the project. I have also included a link to a YouTube video with a short explanation of some of the features of the project. I decided to name this "FlockFuster" as it is a simple yet logical movies database.


Create your project in STS (or an IDE of your choice). Create the basic package structure for all of the layers (e.g. controller, service, DAO, entity, errorhandling, etc.).

Create the entry point for your project.

Create an Interface for each implemented class in the programming layers.

Modify the OpenAPIDocumentation in the Controller Interface to represent the correct responses for each of your operations. (e.g. @GetMapping expects an HTTPStatus.OK, but a @PostMapping expects an HTTPStatus.CREATED)

Implement your simplest entities first (no dependencies), and get them working in all layers.

Use jeep-sales as a guide, and build upon what you have already done!

UnitTesting is encouraged, but not required.


Database design which contains at least 3 entities and 3 tables

Contains all CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update & Delete)

Each entity should have CRUD operations with one entity having all 4 CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update & Delete).

Contains at least 1 one-to-many relationship (A movie has one direcor but a director could have worked on many movies)

Contains at least 1 many-to-many relationship with one or more CRUD operations on this relationship (Many actors in many movies)

Create a video, up to five minutes max, showing and explaining how your project works with an emphasis on the portions you contributed. This video should be done using screen share and voice over. This can easily be done using Zoom, although you don't have to use Zoom, it's just what we recommend. You can create a new meeting, start screen sharing, and start recording. This will create a video recording on your computer. This should then be uploaded to a publicly accessible site, such as YouTube, Dropbox, or Google Drive. MAKE SURE THE LINK YOU SHARE IS PUBLIC. If it is not accessible by your grader, your project will be graded based on what they can access. The link should be pasted in the submission text box after the GitHub repo link. REQUIRED: PUBLIC link to video, and GitHub repo link with everything listed above!