
Algebraic laws for Carp interfaces, a la carte.

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Algebraic laws a la carte!

Note: This is not an officially supported Google product.

Laws is a small library of macros for the Carp programming language that enables you to define algebraic laws for interfaces and check whether or not implementations satisfy those laws on demand. To illustrate, let's take a look at an interface for the classic fmap function:

(definterface fmap (Fn [&(Fn [a] b) (f a)] (f b)))

This interface correctly expresses the typing requirements for valid implementations of fmap, but lawful implementations of fmap also need to satisfy two algebraic laws (the functor laws):

  • identity: implementations must preserve identity: fmap id = id
  • composition: implementations must preserve function composition: fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g

We can use laws to augment our interface with these constraints:

(with-laws (definterface fmap (Fn [&(Fn [a] b) (f a)] (f b)))
           [f g functor]
           [identity (= (fmap &id functor) (id functor))
            composition (= (fmap &(compose f g) functor) (fmap &f (fmap &g functor)))])

To define laws, we provide an interface, a list of variables we can use in the algebraic equations associated with laws, and a list of laws, each with a name and algebraic equation that intermixes variables and plain old Carp symbols.

The syntax for defining an interface with laws is:

(with-laws <definterface-form>
           [<law-name> <equation>...])

Where <variables> can occur in <equation>s.

After calling with-laws, the provided interface will be defined and we'll be able to check whether or not implementations satisfy the identity and composition laws using the lawful? macro. Here's an example using both a lawful and unlawful implementation of fmap.

(defmodule Maybe
  ;; our lawful implementation; an honest to god fmap
  (defn map [f maybe]
   (match maybe
          (Maybe.Nothing) (Maybe.Nothing)
          (Maybe.Just x) (Maybe.Just (~f x))))
   (implements fmap map)
  ;; an fmap by type and appearance only! unlawful!
 (defn fake-map [f maybe]
  (match maybe
         (Maybe.Nothing) (Maybe.Nothing)
         (Maybe.Just x) (do (ignore (~f x))
                            (the (Maybe Int) (Maybe.Nothing)))))
  (implements fmap fake-map)

;; let's check which implementations satisfy the fmap laws
(defn main []
    (if (lawful? fmap Maybe.map [inc dec (Maybe.Just 1)])
        (println* "lawful!")
        (println* "unlawful!")))
    (if (lawful? fmap Maybe.fake-map [inc dec (Maybe.Just 1)])
        (println* "lawful!")
        (println* "unlawful!"))

The prior code listing will print lawful! followed by unlawful!. The Maybe.map implementation satisfies both the identity and composition laws, while the Maybe.fake-map implementation fails to satisfy both laws.

This code sample also illustrates some important facets of the library's macros:

  1. Law satisfaction checking is "on-demand"

    Laws, unfortunately, doesn't provide any means of performing exhaustive checks against implementations. Instead, every check is performed precisely for the variable substitutions provided at point of use. In other words:

    (lawful? fmap Maybe.map [inc dec (Maybe.Just 1)])

    Precisely and only checks that Maybe.map is a lawful implementation of fmap when the variables in the equations given for the identity and composition laws are replaced with the values inc, dec, and Maybe.Just 1.

    While you cannot use laws for checking that some implementation satisfies algebraic laws for all possible inputs, this "a la carte" approach makes up for its lack of universality with versatility. Enforcing lawfulness is entirely up to you, and you can easily and flexibly mingle code that checks for satisfaction of laws with code that doesn't. The macros provided by the library won't ever prevent you from declaring unlawful implementations or from using them. This enables library authors to define sharp boundaries around paths that require extra rigor without hamstringing users.

  2. Law satisfaction checking incurs runtime costs

    Another unfortunate aspect of the lawful? macro is that its checks are not free. Currently, it runs the algebraic equations associated with laws to determine their validity under certain inputs. So, there is a runtime cost associated with lawfulness checks.


(load "laws.carp")

Further documentation on the Laws module macros can be found in the docs/ folder. example.carp contains a small program that illustrate how to use the library.