
An open HW/SW cute device with GPS.


An open HW/SW cute device with GPS.

Version: 1.0
Author: Mauro Scomparin


The cute-gps project contains all the things you'll need to build a device that can be used as a GPS logger, compass, and navigator.
The hardware it's developed with a open source program suite called gEDA,and there's also a file to open it with the gsch2pcb program wich I use to manage the process of creating a board easier.
The software, running on the microcontroller it's developed with the a series of open source tools called GNU. I'm lazy and can't be bothered to build a toolchain from source code (althoug possible), so I used an already built cross toolchain from CodeSourcery, that targets arm-none-eabi.


All the source code, the schematics and the layouts are open, wich means you can view, modify, use them as you want for your own needs, the details can be found in the /LICENSE folder.


My project blog:

Codesourcery g++ lite toolchain: http://www.mentor.com/embedded-software/sourcery-tools/sourcery-codebench/editions/lite-edition/

GNU site: