#scompo-music-splitter A collection of script to split and organize a record (from audacity project to flac to mp3). I record stuff a lot and wanted to find a way to quickly organize and create mp3 files with a good quality.
- Audacity
- lame
- easytag ...
- clone repository in the music folder.
- cd to scompo-music-splitter.
- ./project-manager/create-project.sh "project-name".
- cd "project-name".
- open Audacity and create a new project in "project-name".
- set the metadata tags.
- copy an image for the cd into "project-name".
- create, give a name and edit every track in Audacity.
- save project.
- multiple export
- format: flac, choose directory "project-name/cd/flac", check "numbers before track name/label" and export
- verify every track detail.
- ./edit-tags.sh.
- edit the tags in easytag, put the image inside the folder if needed.
- save info and close easytag.
- ./convert-flac.sh.
- set soundconverter preferences to "same folder as input file", format: MP3 (.mp3).
- convert.
- you're done and the files are correctly tagged (picture too) and in the "project-name"/cd/mp3 folder.