
JRuby + GeoGit = Awesome

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Code Climate


Use GeoGit in your JRuby applications

NOTE: JRuby is required

In development: mvn clean install to get Java/Scala dependencies

jruby -S rake console or bin/geogit_console to open IRB with geogit loaded

Import a repo from GitHub (with history):

NOTE: Some repos fail due to to inconsistencies in GeoJSON files and strict processing of GeoJSON in GeoTools

# without a client_id / client_secret, you will be severely rate limited
# ability to import github repos may be affected
GeoGit.configure do |c|
  c.github = {
    client_id: 'yourclientid',
    client_secret: 'yourclientsecret'

GeoGit.import_github_repo 'username/reponame'

Create a repo and import a shapefile:

GeoGit.create_or_init_repo '~/Desktop/test_repo'
GeoGit.import_shapefile '~/Desktop/test_repo', '~/Desktop/states/states.shp'
# => ["states"]

#GeoGit.import_geojson '~/Desktop/test_repo', '~/Desktop/states/states.geojson'

To execute a command (get log for previously imported repo):

repo = GeoGit::Repository.new '~/Desktop/test_repo'
# => #<GeoGit::Repository:0x392de91e @repo_path="~/Desktop/test_repo">
log = repo.log
# => {:count=>49, :commits=>[{:id=>"b0524c80b72cf3a7a13ed1edf7114156bae95a3b", :message=>"imported_states/1", :author=>{:name=>"", :email=>""}, :committer=>{:name=>"Scooter Wadsworth", :email=>"scooterwadsworth@gmail.com"}}, {:id=>"838d69be61caffb629373ed9a44a417e5f2b1bfd", :message=>"imported_states/2", :author=>{:name=>"", :email=>""}, :committer=>{:name=>"Scooter Wadsworth", :email=>"scooterwadsworth@gmail.com"}}, ...}


milafrerichs (https://github.com/milafrerichs)