
This repository includes the controllers working with the f1/10 simulator and the physical car

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Experiments with F1-10 cars

This repository includes the controllers working with the f1/10 simulator and the physical car. The code here is cloned from patricks f1/10 repo. Kindly refer to his repository if new controllers are required for the cars.

Controlling the Car in simulation

The car can be controlled manually using a joystick or autonomously using conventional and machine learning controllers.

  1. Simulator Setup
  2. Disparity Extender
  3. Pure Pursuit
  4. Computer Vision

F1-10 Simulator Build and Run

The f1/10 car comes with a Gazebo based simulator. We run the simulation in docker. The dockerfile for setting up the docker can be found here. To install the docker follow the steps discussed below:

Step 1 - Install the suitable NVIDIA-Docker for your GPU configuration and operating system. The docker is required to run any Machine Learning/Deep Learning based controllers.

Step 2 - Install Docker and Docker-Compose for the operating system on your machine.

Step3 - To build the dockerfile get into the path of this repo and run the following command


Step 4 - Once the docker build is complete, run the following command to enable the use of graphical user interfaces within the docker containers such as Gazebo and Rviz. This command will give the docker rights to access the X-Server.

xhost +si:localuser:root

Optional: You may also need to run the following commands if the visualization does not work xhost +local:docker

step 4 - Next, run the docker using the following command

source docker/run_docker.sh (if the machine has a GPU)
source docker/run_docker_cpu.sh (if the machine does not have a GPU)

This will take you into the docker.

Step5 - Source the ROS packages to run ROS in the docker

source install/setup.bash

Note:If you want to open a second window in the docker container, in the second window, use the command

docker ps

to get the docker container id, and then use

docker exec -it ${DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID} bash

to enter the container.

Disparity Extender Algorithm

The disparity extender algorithm was developed at UNC-Chapel Hill. This algorithm was used as the controller for the f1/10 autonomous driving competition in 2019. This controller won the race ultimately. Please read this blog from Nathan Otterness et al. to get a complete understanding of the algorithm.

To run this controller in the simulator, run the following commands in two terminals:

Terminal 1:

roslaunch race multi_parametrizeable.launch

Terminal 2:

roslaunch race multicar_disparity_extender.launch

Additional source to learn about the controller https://medium.com/@chardorn/running-an-f1tenth-car-like-a-real-racecar-f5da160d8573

Pure Pursuit Algorithm

The pure pursuit algorithm was originally proposed by Craig Coulter. The algorithm can be found in his original paper. Have a look at this repo to get a better understanding of the algorithm.

To run this controller in the simulator, run the following commands in two terminals:

Terminal 1:

roslaunch race multi_parametrizeable.launch

Terminal 2:

roslaunch race platoon.launch

Computer Vision

ToDo: Patrick has tested out a few end-to-end controllers. We can get to his repo to get them running.

Rosbag and Data collection

Run the foolowing command to get the list of topics

rostopic list

To record data from a topic and store them in to a bag file, run:

rosbag record ${TOPIC_NAME_1} ${TOPIC_NAME_2} ...

To decode the data from, for example, camera, look at the script src/decoder/decode.py. To decode, change the bag name in the script and then run it:

python3 decode.py

You can then get the images at the path specified.

Controlling the Physical Car

Check the Hardware_Code Folder.


  1. Patricks Github Repo - The base code for our work is taken from patrick. We can tune the algorithms and parameters as required

  2. f1/10 Repo - The tutorials to build, learn and race the car can be found on the repo. The build manual is also required to debug problems.