
An example Python application which tries to produce useful statistics from an SQLite database.

Primary LanguagePython

VAK stars example

This is an example Python application which tries to produce useful statistics for a real life game from an SQLite database.

The purpose of this application is to provide a good programming exercise for Dorothie to play around.

The goal is the following:

  • Connect to the vakstars.sqlite SQLite database from a new Python script called stats.py.
  • Based on command line arguments, print out various statistics in natural Hungarian language.
  • Every statistic should be based on a time interval given as a command line argument. The intervals which should be implemented are "daily", "weekly" and "monthly".
  • The needed statistics are:
    • List all persons who didn't get a vote in the given interval. (Result should be a list of names.)
    • List the top 5 persons who got the most votes in the given interval. (Result should be a list of pairs of names and number of votes.)
    • List the top 5 persons who gave the most votes in the given interval. (Result should be a list of pairs of names and number of votes.)
    • List the top 5 persons who got the most votes in the given interval - based on their number of votes in the previous interval. (Result should be a list of pairs of names and a percentage value.)
    • List the top 5 persons who gave the most votes in the given interval - based on their number of votes in the previous interval. (Result should be a list of pairs of names and a percentage value.)
  • Where percentage values are expected, negative percentages should be handled correctly. For example we would like to be able to display someone in the top 5 even if their votes are -37% compared to the previous interval.

For starting out:

  • The official Python documentation is a great place for Python-related information.
  • You can find the best Git book online here. I might be biased a bit, bit still, this is a great book.
  • Try to use Sqliteman for opening and studying the database.
  • PyCharm is my recommended IDE for Python, but it's by no means necessary for completing the exercise.
  • Read the example code - which handles the basic management of the database - in vakstars.py.
  • Use the [issue tracker of this GitHub project] (https://github.com/scorchio/vakstars-example/issues) for asking questions or to report (highly possible) bugs in the example code. Assign the issue to scorchio and don't forget to set the label of the issue properly.