
A simple parser to convert Score-P Metadata to JSON

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple parser to convert Score-P Metadata to JSON


git clone https://github.com/score-p/scorep_metadata2json.git
cd scorep_metadata2json
poetry install


To use ./bin/scorep-metadata2json, activate the project's virtual environment created by poetry:

./bin/scorep-metadata2json <path/to/scorep.fair>

Hint: Use data located in test/test_data for testing.

Yoy can output the schema of the parser by using the --schema option:

./bin/scorep-metadata2json --schema

The schema as well as a visual representation is also available in the documentation of the basemodel.

Alternatively, if you prefer not to activate the virtual environment, you can prefix your commands with poetry run:

./bin/scorep-metadata2json -h

Hint: Use jq to view the output formatted in color.

./bin/scorep-metadata2json <path/to/scorep.fair> | jq


To build the documentation, run:

poetry install --with docs
poetry run sphinx-build docs docs/_build

It can then be found in docs/_build/index.html.


To install the development dependencies, run:

poetry install --with dev

After that, run the following commands to check the code style and type annotations:

poetry run mypy .
poetry run ruff .
poetry run ruff format . 


To run the tests, run:

poetry run python -m unittest test/test_arg_parser.py
poetry run python -m unittest test/test_parser.py