
Pronto runner for flake8(Python Linter)

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Pronto runner for flake8

Gem Version Build Status Code Climate Test Coverage Dependency Status

Pronto runner for flake8, a Python Style Guide Enforcer. What is Pronto?

Configuration of pronto-flake8

  • flake8 should be in your path or virtual environment.
  • pronto-flake8 can be configured by placing a .pronto_flake8.yml inside the directory where pronto is run.

Following options are available:

Option Meaning Default
flake8_executable flake8 executable to call. flake8 (calls flake8 in PATH)

Example configuration to call custom flake8 executable:

# .pronto_flake8.yml
flake8_executable: '/my/custom/path/flake8'

Contribution Guidelines


git clone this repo and cd pronto-flake8


brew install cmake # or your OS equivalent
brew install rbenv # or your OS equivalent
rbenv install 2.5.7
rbenv global 2.5.7 # or make it project specific
gem install bundle
gem install pronto
bundle install


virtualenv venv # tested on Python 3.6
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Instructions for maintainers

git checkout -b <new_feature> # or for core maintainer, just pull master after accepting merge
# make your changes
bundle exec rspec
# Update the version in `lib/pronto/flake8/version.rb` to the next version
* gem build pronto-flake8.gemspec
* gem install pronto-flake8-<current_version>.gem # get it from lib/pronto/flake8/version.rb 
# uncomment the line in dummy_package/dummy.py
pronto run --unstaged

It should show

dummy_package/dummy.py:1 E: E731 do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
  • Recomment the line in dummy_package/dummy.py


export VERSION=<gem version>
export TAG="v$VERSION"
git pull
git tag -a $TAG -m $TAG
git show $TAG
git push origin $TAG
# Ensure you build the gem with with `gem build` above.
gem push "pronto-flake8-$VERSION.gem"