Spotify Browser Component

Problem Statement

Spotify has a catalog of all its music available on the web and accessible to any developer with an API key. As a developer with front-end skills, your challenge is to build a Spotify catalog component using its publicly available APIs (BETA API reference is here and API auth examples are here) and provide the following core functionality:

  • The component should be easily embeddable in a web app
  • It should take as input a query parameter and an optional type parameter, that it will use to query the Spotify catalog using the search API
    • If query is empty, type is ignored
    • If type is empty, it should default to "track"
  • When no search has been initiated, the component renders a view of your choosing
  • When a search is initiated with a query and an optional type, it will render a grid of results with icons representing each result using a suitable image based on the type -- for instance, an artist's image if the item is an artist

Once you have the component ready, you will then build a very simple "Hello world"-style web page or app that hosts this component to demonstrate its usage. The app itself need not be pretty or complex - you may think of this as a test app you are building so that another consumer of your component (say, a developer on a partner team) gets a solid sense of its usage.



You can choose to build this using either vanilla JavaScript, JQuery, or React.js. Other frameworks are OK, as long as you can justify their use. If you have any doubts as to whether your choice might be suitable for our review, please contact us ahead of time. We can be reasonable :)

Spotify Account

Feel free to use your own Spotify account or create one for this purpose.

However, we are more than happy to provide you with a test account for you to use as well -- just ask! If you use this account, please use the Spotify Developer app named Mason Test - Spotify Search Component from the developer dashboard.


  • Fork this repo to your own user space, make it private (now possible with free accounts as well), and add one of us as an outside collaborator. We will email you our Github id(s) for this purpose. Do let us know if this is confusing or if you have questions/concerns.
  • Please write self-documenting code. The repository must include all pieces that are reasonably required for an understanding of how the software can be built, setup, and run.
  • Include a README with the following:
    • what major design decisions did you have to make
    • why did you choose the framework you chose
    • what, if anything, additional you would do to make your component "production-ready"
    • a references section listing any significant resources used during development (StackOverflow questions, articles, books, etc. You do not need to include links to questions about language syntax, for e.g.)


We expect this project to take approximately 2-4 hours of an engineer's time. However, everyone is different so please treat these numbers as suggestions. If you find yourself blocked, or stuck spending inordinate amounts of time in a specific area, it might be best to reach out to us -- we want to be respectful of your time and it is our job to ensure you have a pleasant experience.


We look forward to seeing your work!