
The Splurt client

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Native Foreground Service Demo

This a demo project for react-native-foreground-service module. react-native-foregroun-service library allows to stat and stop foreground service on Android platform.

Build and run application (Android only)

  1. Clone the project
  2. Run yarn install command in the terminal
  3. Build and run splurt-server
  4. Run yarn start in the terminal
  5. Run yarn run-android in another terminal instance

Config & Usage

  1. Register a user to splurt-server by pushing to users collection in the db
    "name": "<user_name>",
    "pwd": "<user_password>"
  1. Register a service to splurt-server by pushing it to services collection in the db
    "name": "<service_name>",
    "pwd": "<service_password>"
  1. Login the user via phone
  2. Define the following environment variables (enter each line separately)
user_id="<logged user's _id property from db>"
  1. Login the service to receive a service_jwt by running this command
service_jwt=$(curl -d "{\"name\":\"$service_name\", \"pwd\":\"$service_password\"}"\
                   -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
                   -X POST "http://localhost:$http_port/services/login")
  1. Push service notification message to a user by making a user request to a user_id
echo $(curl -X POST "http://localhost:$http_port/push/$user_id"\
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $service_jwt"\
            -H "Content-Type: application/json"\
            -d '{ "title": "message" }')


  • user: client account that would receive notifications
  • service: service that would be sending notifications
  • service_jwt: JSON web token used for service authentication to be able to send notifications
  • http_port: port that was setup in the splurt server (default is 8888)
  • user_id: id of the user inside the users collection
  • message: string to be pushed as notification to user
