
This is a Dockerfile to set up "Sickrage" - (https://sickrage.ca/).

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Docker Sickrage (python:2)

This is a Dockerfile to build "Sickrage" - (https://sickragebt.com/).

Docker Hub

The built image is also hosted at Docker Hub - (https://hub.docker.com/r/cryptout/sickrage/).

Build from Dockerfile

Clone this repository and run the build.sh script.

git clone https://github.com/scorputty/sickrage.git
cd sickrage

Docker compose example

  container_name: sickrage
  image: docker.io/cryptout/sickrage
  hostname: sickrage
  network_mode: host
    - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam
    - USER=media
    - USERID=10000
    - PUID=10000
    - PGID=10000
    - ENV appUser=media
    - ENV appGroup=media
    - /share:/share


To reach the WebGUI go to - (http://localhost:9091). Or replace localhost with your target IP. Login with admin/sickrage.


  • Shell access whilst the container is running: docker exec -it sickrage /bin/sh
  • To monitor the logs of the container in realtime: docker logs -f sickrage


I'm still learning Docker and use these private (pet)projects to develop my skills. While I use these containers myself they are by no means perfect and are always prone to error or change. That said, even if only one person copies a snippet of code or learns something from my projects I feel I've contributed a little bit to the Open-source cause...