
Vagrant test environment for GlusterFS

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Vagrant test environment for GlusterFS


Set the options in the Vagrantfile to suit your needs:

PROVTYPE = "provgdeploy"

Now run vagrant

vagrant up

This will spin up 3 gluster ganesha servers with each one extra disk and 2 clients fully configured and mounted nfs share.

If you only want to spin up the nodes you can run this

vagrant up --no-provision
vagrant --provision

Note: gdeploy ganasha is now working! (not yet pretty...)

- include: install_packages.yml
  tags: install-packages
- include: disable_firewall.yml
  tags: stop-firewall
- include: setup_keys.yml
  tags: setup-keys
- include: setup_keys.yml # Running this twice to be sure the keys are there
  tags: setup-keys
- include: prep_gdeploy.yml
  tags: prep-gdeploy
- include: setup_ganesha.yml
  run_once: true
  tags: setup-ganesha
- include: fix_ganesha.yml
  tags: fix-ganesha

Yes still very messy but it works...

Added provision via Ansible Tower.

To test provisioning with Ansible Tower you need the official Vagrant image, more info here

If you did that then you can use this test setup to provision 3 gluster servers, 2 clients and 1 tower server.


If vagrant up fails try running it again, it sometimes happens...