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When you do a !call (3312345678) Citibank, the OTPBYPASS Bot sends a post request to the api, which will save the call into a sqlite DB and send the call to the custom twilio API. The Twilio API use our /status route to know what to do in the call, the status route returns TwiML code to Twilio. The /status route returns the self hosted service song
Open source smart card tools and middleware. PKCS#11/MiniDriver/Tokend
OTP bots use social engineering to trick a consumer into sharing sensitive information about digital accounts. Attackers use them for international calling with multiple call scripts in several types of voice accents. While attempting to log into a potential victim’s digital banking account, the attacker feeds the OTP bot with the consumer’s phone
scorub00s's Repositories
Open source smart card tools and middleware. PKCS#11/MiniDriver/Tokend
OTP bots use social engineering to trick a consumer into sharing sensitive information about digital accounts. Attackers use them for international calling with multiple call scripts in several types of voice accents. While attempting to log into a potential victim’s digital banking account, the attacker feeds the OTP bot with the consumer’s phone
When you do a !call (3312345678) Citibank, the OTPBYPASS Bot sends a post request to the api, which will save the call into a sqlite DB and send the call to the custom twilio API. The Twilio API use our /status route to know what to do in the call, the status route returns TwiML code to Twilio. The /status route returns the self hosted service song