Park My Wheels, also known as SFMotorcycleParking, is an iOS app that shows SF Public Motorcycle Parking on a map.
This app was coded with a highly modular style which I currently favor because navigating the project only requires toggling the up and down arrows. Because there are fewer distractions on a view, the code is very easy to understand.
I am 100% open to trying different ways of styling code and willing to adapt and capable of adapting my style to the needs of my company.
File structure: If functionA contains both functionB, and functionC, the convention will be: FunctionA.swift, followed by a folder: FunctionA, with contents FunctionB.swift, and FunctionC.swift.
As a general rule individual functions and blocks are shorter than 15 lines.
Running this app on XCode 9 Beta, and other apps that use the Google Maps pod creates a threading bug which I have documented on StackOverflow (handle: ScottyBlades).
Zipping and unzipping this project corrupts the storyboard files, likely because of the Google Maps pod. Cloning and pulling from a repo is preferred.
There are two endpoints called for parking spots, one for metered parking, and one for non-metered parking. While handling the responses from both endpoints are similar processes. There are two reasons I decided to keep the handlers as 2 separate lines of execution and not combine them.
The two different endpoints use two different sets of conventions. For example, metered parking returns a dictionary with the latitude and longitude as values for a key titled: "location", while non-metered parking has the otherwise similar key named: "Geom."
Keeping the two functions separate helps avoid race conditions.