Structual Margin Pruning

WARN: this method is rely on BN layer, if the model use LN or other normalization layer, this method may not work

To Run Experiment, use the following code

--print-freq 100 -b 256 --worker 8 \
--dataset YOUR_DATASET --arch YOUR_MODEL_NAME --expname YOU_EXPERIMENT_NAME --pretrained \
--method st_margin --prune True --use_global_criterion True --scaling_norm_criterion False --prune_last True \
--epoch 120 --prune_steps [20,40,60,80,100] --prune_rate 0.5 --lr 0.01 --lr_adjust_steps [20,100] --margin_penalty 5 --wd 1e-5 \

custom model/dataset

To run costum dataset, change --dataset to you dataset name and add it into build_loader.build_data_loader

To use costum model, change --arch to you model name and add it into Read the comments in for more details.

training result will be saved in 'output/YOU_EXPERIMENT_NAME'


--epoch total training epoch

--prune_steps prune epoch list for iterative pruning

--prune_rate 1 - final_remain_rate

--lr learning rate

--lr_adjust_steps lr decay epoch, decay rate = 0.1

--margin_penalty the loss weight

--wd weight decay

the other args are some experimental args, please do not change them