
Test results for Imath bindings in C and Rust

Primary LanguageRust


  1. sudo apt install libilmbase-dev
  2. cd /path/to/imathtest
  3. ./compile_cpp.sh && ./compile_c.sh && ./compile_rust.sh
  4. ./cpp_speedtest 100000 x5, ./c_speedtest 100000 x5, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=src/c:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./rust_speedtest 100000 x5


AMD Ryzen 9 3950x, 32 gb of RAM, Ubuntu 20.04

Results (average clock cycles over 5 attempts each)

cpp original c reimplemented c pointer rust c reimplmeneted rust c pointer rust (partial) reimplemented rust (full) reimplement
138 2276 2277 1201 1136 526 6