
with ytb tool, you can download youtube video more efficiently!

Primary LanguageGo


This tool is based on youtube-dl, to use it please make sure golang was installed & Youtube can be visited.

how to use?

1, custom the configuration

mkdir ~/.ytb
touch ~/.ytb/youtube-dl.json

youtube-dl.json has 2 properties as shown below:

  • download_folder: download_folder indicates the directory where these video will go to
  • task_position: before downloading, list the download youtube url line by line.

For Example:

2, downloading ytb tool & run

git clone git@github.com:scott-x/ytb.git
cd ytb
go run main.go
~/go/src/github.com/scott-x/ytb(main*) » go run main.go                                       apple@iMac-52
---------------- parse configuration ----------------
download folder: /Users/apple/Desktop
task file: /Users/apple/Desktop/task.txt
---------------- checking http/https proxy ----------------
2020/12/05 13:02:48 $http_proxy has been set to
2020/12/05 13:02:48 $https_proxy has been set to
2020/12/05 13:02:48 creating folder: /Users/apple/Desktop/a/b
start downloading ===> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBS22HtYEg8
start downloading ===> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttus8XGK6Xw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBS22HtYEg8 ===> 100% downloaded
2020/12/05 13:03:51 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBS22HtYEg8 is deleted from /Users/apple/Desktop/task.txt
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttus8XGK6Xw ===> 100% downloaded
2020/12/05 13:04:32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ttus8XGK6Xw is deleted from /Users/apple/Desktop/task.txt